Wednesday 4 May 2016

Common Mistakes Made While Washing Clothes

Are you using too much detergent? Overloading the washer? Overdoing the bleach? Here are some tips to help you through your laundry day.

Better enough, if you want to save yourself this hassle, just outsource your laundry to The Laundry Basket ( and get your laundry delivered within 24 hours; Fresh Off The Press!

1. Rubbing Stains Furiously

This can make the stain worse and possibly wear away the fabric. Instead, be gentle and methodical. Treat the stain as soon as you can; the less time that elapses, the more success you’ll have. And always use a white cloth so that colors can’t transfer. Dab, rather than rub, working from the outside in to keep the stain contained.

2. Using Too Much Detergent

It’s a myth that more the foam, more the cleaning. Excess foams can hold dust pulled from clothes and get caught in areas that won't rinse clean, like under a collar, leading to bacteria buildup. Overzealous detergent usage will also wear out your washing machine quicker. Washing machines use less water nowadays, plus washing detergents are more concentrated so you don’t have to use as much. Stick to the suggestion on the side of the bottle and don’t go over.

3. Washing Too Hot

Unless you’ve recently got back from The Sunburn Festival or just completed a Desert Safari you shouldn’t be washing your clothes on the highest program as this will quickly wear them out. As a general rule of thumb a 40° cycle will be suitable for 90% of your laundry needs i.e. day-to-day T-shirts, shirts, sweats, jeans, underwear etc.

4. Excessive Tumble-Drying

If drying space is at a premium in your house then understandably you’ll want to dry your damp clothes as quick as possible, but it also means that your clothes are at risk of shrinking. Make sure you’ve read the care label and you only tumble-dry the garment at the suggested temperature.

5. Forgetting To Empty Pockets

Whether it’s a pack of chewing gum or your recently upgraded iPhone, neither are items you’d want to accidentally leave in your jeans pocket when you’re gathering up the laundry. It goes without saying, but double-checking of all trouser pockets before throwing them in the washing machine will save you the trauma of a having to explain the damage to your insurance company.

6. Using Wire Hangers

Wire coat hangers are the work of the devil and are therefore guaranteed to destroy the shape of the shoulders on coats and tailoring over time. Avoid them at all costs. Invest in a set of good quality, wooden hangers for hanging coats and tailoring. For shirts, tees, polos and trousers, a set of decent plastic hangers will do the job perfectly.

8. Washing Shirts All Buttoned Up

This seems like a good idea, but it can stress buttons and buttonholes and lead to premature pop page. Take the time to unbutton before tossing clothes in the washer.

7. Washing Denim Too Soon/Often

Washing denim on a regular basis will cause your jeans to lose their natural indigo color. And in the case of poor quality jeans, you’ll notice they wear out a lot quicker if you keep machine washing them. Generally speaking if you’ve invested in a pair of quality, raw denim jeans it’s advisable that you wear your jeans as often as possible for at least 6 months before washing them. Spot clean any minor stains in the interim or hang them up outside to combat any odors.


Still finding it difficult or feeling lazy to do it by yourself? Don't worry The Laundry Basket is here.

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